Friday, March 6, 2009

Sick, sick, sick...

Sorry it's been a while since my last post... First Dustin was sick, then I got it (and still have it, it has been two weeks), then Lily got it last Tuesday and now Derrick has it. The cycle is complete. I had to delay my trip to the Bay Area to see my family and friends but I'm hoping we can make it up next week. I haven't seen my sister in 7 months and I miss her and her family horribly! I am also in the middle of a big project, stripping a wallpaper border from the nursery... I've tried everything and nothing is working, so I've bit the bullet and I'm getting quotes from contractors.

Today Derrick is 7 months old. He is getting so big! He rolls everywhere and is starting to army crawl. He is also very vocal. He talks and talks (baby talk) all day long. He says dada, but not directing towards Dustin. If you ask him where is Dada, Mama, or Lily he will look at that person, which is so cool!

Lily-bean is just as cute as ever :) Her vocabulary amazes me! She is correcting me constantly when I do baby talk with Derrick. She is so literal now, it's hilarious. It's hard to joke around with her because of this... A cute example of this is the other day our nanny, Miss Arpy, was telling Lily how smart she is. Arpy asked asked Lily if she drank "smart juice", to which Lily replied very seriously: "No, I drank applejuice". I love being a mom!!!

P.S. For those of you who didn't know, yes we are blessed to have a nanny who comes twice a week for a few hours to help out with the kids... yes, I know I'm spoiled. The best thing with that is being able to go out and have one on one time with Lily. She is still having a hard time adjusting to baby brother :)


Jeremy said...

OK - Wallpaper. What have you tried? I'll ask Brooke what the mixture was that brought down the horrendous baseball border in our piano room.

The wallpaper in our bedroom was actually put up over another layer of wallpaper. That came down pretty easily.

Michelle said...

Let's see... I tried Dawn and hot water, then fabric softner with water, then a product called DIF, and then a mixture of vinegar and water... none of those worked... I got the paper down easily, it's the residual glue that I can't get off... any advice would be great!!!

Jeremy said...

I guess all the paper we pulled off must have been old... That or the humidity here really helps. We never had that problem.

I wonder if a sanding block (like those used to sand down wall putty) would work.

Alana's Mommy said...

Lily is so cute...I love her!

Dustin B said...

Sick kids are the worst :(